
Leidys M. Hernández
Periodista por elección propia. Las mejores ideas se me ocurren sobre ruedas, por eso soy enemiga de la rutina. Creo que cada cual tiene una historia que contar, lo importante es encontrarla.
Cuba’s self-employed are dissatisfied with many things including the lack of legal protection they have and the treatment they receive from certain officials who interpret regulations at their own discretion, making them oblige.
In the heart of Old Havana, on the corner of Villegas and Teniente Rey streets to be exact, you can find Clandestina, a store/workshop painted all in white against a discolored and run-down landscape.
D’ Brujas Jabon has been making handmade soaps for over four years. Today, these products are sold at the bazaar on Avenida del Puerto in Old Havana. The company holds a handicrafts license.
When there’s only just over a month before the Cuban government’s “package” of new regulations for self-employment come into effect, doubts and uncertainty are still prevalent in a sector that is calling them “arbitrary measures that have not been approved by anyone who will have to comply by them”. This is what lawyer Lilian Romero […]
Havana’s Alternative #00 Biennial has been taking place since Saturday May 5th in various “independent” artists’ homes/studios/workshops.

Leidys M. Hernández
Periodista por elección propia. Las mejores ideas se me ocurren sobre ruedas, por eso soy enemiga de la rutina. Creo que cada cual tiene una historia que contar, lo importante es encontrarla.
Cuba’s self-employed are dissatisfied with many things including the lack of legal protection they have and the treatment they receive from certain officials who interpret regulations at their own discretion, making them oblige.
When there’s only just over a month before the Cuban government’s “package” of new regulations for self-employment come into effect, doubts and uncertainty are still prevalent in a sector that is calling them “arbitrary measures that have not been approved by anyone who will have to comply by them”. This is what lawyer Lilian Romero […]
In the heart of Old Havana, on the corner of Villegas and Teniente Rey streets to be exact, you can find Clandestina, a store/workshop painted all in white against a discolored and run-down landscape.
Havana’s Alternative #00 Biennial has been taking place since Saturday May 5th in various “independent” artists’ homes/studios/workshops.
D’ Brujas Jabon has been making handmade soaps for over four years. Today, these products are sold at the bazaar on Avenida del Puerto in Old Havana. The company holds a handicrafts license.