Jessica Castro Burunate
Periodista y editora de género. Investiga temas relacionados con la violencia machista, migraciones y cuidados.
On March 8, 2025, local state-run media published the news of the release of Mayelin Carrasco Alvarez, a mother from Granma who had led a solitary protest three days earlier in a town square in Río Cauto, Granma.
More than 400 testimonies collected by the project Ministerio de Mujer a Mujer and De Hombre a Hombre, allow another approach to the problem of male violence in Cuba.
Cuba has a new Family Code. The implementation of the law presents several legislative and institutional challenges.
Jessica Castro Burunate
Periodista y editora de género. Investiga temas relacionados con la violencia machista, migraciones y cuidados.
On March 8, 2025, local state-run media published the news of the release of Mayelin Carrasco Alvarez, a mother from Granma who had led a solitary protest three days earlier in a town square in Río Cauto, Granma.
More than 400 testimonies collected by the project Ministerio de Mujer a Mujer and De Hombre a Hombre, allow another approach to the problem of male violence in Cuba.
Cuba has a new Family Code. The implementation of the law presents several legislative and institutional challenges.