
Regla Ismaray Cabreja Piedra
Estudió Comunicación Social en la Universidad de La Habana y un Máster en Comunicación en la Universidad de Sevilla. Trabajó como editora en la revista digital Cubahora y ha colaborado con otras publicaciones como Esquife, de la Asociación Hermanos Saíz. Creó su blog Reflejos para tratar temas como el racismo y la discriminación por género.
Dolls continue to be toys called to represent the role of “housewife” or object of consumer desire that empties of value the social being they represent. My black doll was breaking with these schemes.
I was recently talking to my friends about women’s orgasms, but I soon realized that I felt embarrassed. I have noticed that this subject doesn’t come up very often in our conversations, or we just leave it as nothing more than a joke.
Her story is my favorite: that of a princess who saves herself and who never cared about the canons of beauty, those who according to society “conquer” the “princes”.
Racism doesn’t have to be overt or radically expressed as the persecution, slavery and extermination of a race, as these extreme situations are just the tip of the iceberg. It’s what we can’t see that is the most worrying because it isn’t aggressive, it forms a part of our everyday lives.

Regla Ismaray Cabreja Piedra
Estudió Comunicación Social en la Universidad de La Habana y un Máster en Comunicación en la Universidad de Sevilla. Trabajó como editora en la revista digital Cubahora y ha colaborado con otras publicaciones como Esquife, de la Asociación Hermanos Saíz. Creó su blog Reflejos para tratar temas como el racismo y la discriminación por género.
Dolls continue to be toys called to represent the role of “housewife” or object of consumer desire that empties of value the social being they represent. My black doll was breaking with these schemes.
Racism doesn’t have to be overt or radically expressed as the persecution, slavery and extermination of a race, as these extreme situations are just the tip of the iceberg. It’s what we can’t see that is the most worrying because it isn’t aggressive, it forms a part of our everyday lives.
I was recently talking to my friends about women’s orgasms, but I soon realized that I felt embarrassed. I have noticed that this subject doesn’t come up very often in our conversations, or we just leave it as nothing more than a joke.
Her story is my favorite: that of a princess who saves herself and who never cared about the canons of beauty, those who according to society “conquer” the “princes”.