
Elena Nazco
Santa Clara, 1999. Ha realizado estudios de filología y comunicación. Lectora compulsiva de Arenas y Bolaño. Cree, como Calvino, que la escritura es encontrar en el infierno lo que no es el infierno. Vive exiliada en Salamanca, España, desde 2021.
92.3% of the people interviewed by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Office of the Special Rapporteur on Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights consider that labor and trade union rights are non-existent in Cuba.
Faced with government resistance to allow a physical march, the Women's Network of Cuba launched a call for a virtual march.

Elena Nazco
Santa Clara, 1999. Ha realizado estudios de filología y comunicación. Lectora compulsiva de Arenas y Bolaño. Cree, como Calvino, que la escritura es encontrar en el infierno lo que no es el infierno. Vive exiliada en Salamanca, España, desde 2021.
92.3% of the people interviewed by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Office of the Special Rapporteur on Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights consider that labor and trade union rights are non-existent in Cuba.
Faced with government resistance to allow a physical march, the Women's Network of Cuba launched a call for a virtual march.