Diseño de portada: Janet Aguilar.
Cuba’s New Electricity Rates: Cartoon Feature
19 / diciembre / 2020
Hello Friends,
The new rates for electricity and other public services take effect in January 2021. We are alarmed just like most Internet users. A big concern is that the increase in wages will not compensate for the higher rates.
Many people have questioned the studies the government carried out to arrive at these new rates. The frequent memes and laughter show the discomfort, as well as the seriousness with which many are taking the reforms.
In this way we begin to say goodbye to 2020. At the same time, we announce in 2021 we will have to open another hole in the belt. Meanwhile, the morbid and geriatric obesity of the official spokespeople is more than evident.
Wimar Verdecia Fuentes
Things are looking worse. What should we do? Raise prices…
Here’s where you are amid Cuba’s monetary reform.
This article was translated to English from the original in Spanish.
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